See my f-list flooded with good wishes for Christmas and p0rn fanfic makes me move.
(And I can not wait to have time to read the fanfic of
So ...
Eat a lot, Shippo your cousins, have fun and get drunk \\ 0 /!
That I can not write to me is obvious.
But there are certain times when it seems to me to break out and streamline the writing seems a good way to put ideas in place.
This thing will cover two people in particular: A and B.
Abstract: I do not see A and B for a month.
Dialogue Today:
A: "What are you doing this afternoon?"
Me: "Nothing in the program, but tonight I'm gone."
A: "You want to leave the three of us?"
We think about, I tell myself that deep down I can try. "Okay."
few hours later, talking to B on msn and then turns to me.
"No, because here I am trying to reconcile things, because if you go out later and then I go to B then you can start to pick up ..."
Me: "Never mind, let me lose, thank you. "
Why Holy shit, I made evil on me, but I think if you invite me I think you're happy to see me and if you are happy to see me then do not treat me like I'm part of the Tetris wrong at the wrong time.
And I'm the most insecure person in the world, ready to give me the memory of the blame well bonobos in Madagascar, but I tell myself that I deserve better.
all started riding in the summer of 1999 and 2000 ... Three Friends try to tell us could learn to play an instrument and try to harmonize the different sounds to create a unique sound.
More time passed and more focused on refining the techniques as well as musical tastes began to mature finally: in this way and were born with these ideas formed the Mavericks still a few elements, four, with just fifteen years each.
Over the years, Having played in many clubs in the province with a diverse repertoire from Coover Negrita some songs muse, Litfiba, velvet revolver, Mistonocivo .. gl 'commitments began to change as well as the prerogatives of individual members of the group, in the meantime had become six ... decided to change radically in style and last but not least they started writing their own songs to the exclusion of the final Coover from their repertoire.
With the recording of two demos, where both physical and mental immaturity that made her music master, DIMENSION ZERO were born with an education that will remain similar to current ETS that sees the guitar solo, the DADE rhythm guitar (distorted by the media), ROBBY partisan Gianotti to GRANbasso!, the master PADD to the magical percussion (as well as all the logistics structural harmony of the group) and finally to the PAU entry.
Now the sound of little size zero is identified in the Italian even if the lyrics are and will remain exclusively in the Italian language and distorted sounds typical of the true American rock with rhythmic scratching of nearly funky and catchy melodies ever designed by guitars and vocals. All this is now finally embodied in the latest effort of the group: a self-produced CD which is made to perfection and the idea that the footprint size Zero wanted to convey.
SOUND The show was born as a show agency and event organization, but in ' period of years, his professionalism is a fact that became fixed point of large structures such as RAI, SKY, creating an artistic collaboration thick. Sound Fresh from performances XX World Youth Day with Pope Benedict XVI at World Vision and various radio RAI RAI as GALA 'ITALIAN RED CROSS, LIVE FROM THE SAMPLE, poinsettias, ADMO FESTIVAL etc.., co-organizer of the San Remo in the World and a series of music broadcasts with Sky offers a full service: The Sound spectacular growth as a company and as an organization expands working with charities such as (ADMO, AVIS, AIA, etc ...) with the Regina Margherita Hospital of Turin, etc. .. The sound shows Sound Shows proposes: Our Company opens the door to major projects: We are always looking for people who want to work with U.S. WE HAVE CREATED A COMPANY TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR LOCAL, street festivals, conventions, meetings, inaugurations and Beer Festival.
offers customers a package management support in the record promotion and radio and TV offers Booking artists.
New projects:
Toffanetti Maurizio, 44, was born in Rome and grew up surrounded by music: father mandolin player and tenor for bel canto, his brother guitarist, age 'of 10 years with his family moved to Modena, studied singing and piano, but his passion and' compose melodies, creating songs and sounds'. The sensations perceived in listening to his music, sometimes soft interpretation of characters' moods evoked by the songs, they become stronger in the frequent references to urban life. They are songs about life, personal memories and emotions, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. Suggestive melodic interpretations that are joined to the word lightly, and joy. Important 'meeting with his friend Daniele Dallai, author of many texts of his songs, and guitarist with whom he founded in 1992 "robanostra", a group that has' broken down into various musical events in the local music scene. * In the summer of 2005 born Maurizio Toffanetti QUINTET (Ale Crude piano-bass-Mario Dondi Maurizio Sala Alessandro Mancini sax-drums) ahead of the competition dedicated to Augustus Daolio in Sulmona (ALL DAY), where he won the special prize the jury. * In February 2006, Vince Novellara (RE) another contest dedicated to Augustus Daolio, and Beppe Carletti (NOMADS) includes two tracks in a compilation of Mauritius also contains an unreleased song of the late Daolio. By the end of February 2007 recorded in Modena, a beautiful drive through the collaboration of professional musicians of the highest level: the piano-sax LUCIO BRUNI MICHELE MARIO DONDI Vignale-bass-trumpet OTELLO DEER-LUCIO Caliendo on drums to mandolin-PAUL Toffanetti. Currently working with singer-songwriter Maurizio Modena GASPARE PALMIERI ( / gappasongwriter ) with which is developing new songs, and guitarist MAX AMAZE Pisa, with whom he performs in duo live very good.
This .. a long story .. so much so that even if the players remember (not a joke ..). Indeed .. a lot of time that there is something, but only for two years now you can .. talk about a real group. Gi .. a et .. This demonstrates a very high early interest in music: it was told that in 13 years, in 2001, the first performance and subsequent formation of the nucleus of the band consists of vocalist and guitarist Mark Bertolini Francesco Carletti and Alessandro Stocchi. .. On the wings of enthusiasm, for a while .. time the three are still just for fun but at some point, to complete l.. trim the group, begin the search for a bassist and a drummer. Since the first releases, the band shows directed toward a rock 70 .. .. 80 .., covers two tracks with well-known but quality ... It was not .. easy to find people who share the same passion for music, so .. for some time he continued alternation of the rhythm section (bass-drums) with occasional performance .. .. friends (and friends). In the midst of the research appear here Davide Bertolini, the drummer will find .. perfect agreement with the low Lorenza Gambini, singer-guitarist on his debut with this tool. Cos. .. The cocoon becomes the butterfly with the complete formation of Chili Crabs, which took place in April-May .. 2005. Over time, they produce real .. concerts .. even if there is a srtana adverse events to coincide with the dates more .. important (rain, storms, blackouts, etc. .. total). In .. last time the band is not content more .. perform only simple (but never banal) covers, and so begins .. to compose their own songs: In the summer of 2006 there were only two compounds, published in the individual .. .. Like A Butterfly, produced by Lunatica youth center sponsored by the town of Quattro Castella and wrapped in demos recorded in November 2006. The presentation of the demo, Chili Crabs allows to expand considerably the activity .. live that will take them .. to play in the pre-event of all the major clubs Reggio but especially to open the concerts of great artists such as Luca Ancelin, Lineaviola, Nucleus. . Orangetext15,. Lightbluetext8,. Whitetext12,. Nametext,. Btext,. Redtext,. Redbtext {color: FF0000; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-family:, arial, verdana, sans-serif; } body, div, p, strong, td,. text. blacktext10,. blacktext12, a.searchlinkSmall, a.searchlinkSmall: link, a.searchlinkSmall: visited {color: FFFFFF; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-family:, arial, verdana, sans-serif;} a, a: link, a: visited, a.navbar, a.navbar: link, a.navbar: visited,, link, visited {color: FF0000; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-family:, arial, verdana, sans-serif;} a: hover, a: active, a.navbar: hover, a.navbar: active, hover, active, a.searchlinkSmall: hover, a.searchlinkSmall: active {color: 00FF00; font- size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-family:, arial, verdana, sans-serif;}
Alessandro Bertani
In the stage MyCD 18/05/2009 26/06/2009
Tel 0522 1717399 Fax 0522-86.6249
MAGIC CIRCLES is the debut album of June and it seems anything but a debut. Its eleven tracks, classic, essential, yet rich, explore the universe in a triumph of British sixties vocals, sitar, strings and brass as few others have been able to do in Italy. From the Beatles to the more freakbeat autumn, to return to Lennon and McCartney, in June they told what they love music and have done so by assembling a disk extraordinarily intense. Getting High by the progression of the proud, open chords of Daisy, from psychedelic fervor of the Barber Shop garagistiche Living In The Park and Better Than You: there's this whole world, within 30 minutes of MAGIC CIRCLES. 40 years old, yet conspicuously present. The June, regardless of elapsed time, have an idea of the sixties. For them, between '68 and 2008 does not exists a gap of four decades, but only a few seconds, the time to put the jack to extend and to cross his eyes. They are a trio, June: guitar, bass and drums. And a million other things. Luca
Frazzi, Noise
September 2008 Source:
"The fantasies should never be realistche "
When we get what we want, we do not want, we want more;
Why the desire to continue to exist objects must have its eternally absent ..
Is not that what we want, but the imagination of the thing;
desire it, feeds only utopian fantasies.
As Pascal said, "We are really happy only when we dream with open eyes the future happiness."
means the same thing to say "That is more hunting for its prey" or "be careful what you wish for, not because it will get, but because you're bound to want more once you got nn"
Lacan said: " ; Living according to the wishes will never be happy nn ";
To be human we must live according to our ideas and our ideals.
So the teaching of Lacan is that living according to the wishes there will never be happy.
To be fully human we must try to live according to our ideas and our ideals, not by measuring the life according to what you have achieved what you wanted, but on the basis of little moments of integrity, compassion, rationality, at times of sacrifice .
Because in the end, if we really want to measure the meaning of our lives, we must value the lives of others. "
- Alessandro Bertani
In the stage MyCD 18/05/2009 26/06/2009
Tel 0522 1717399 Fax 0522-86.6249
this is an issue on the ideal city that a friend of mine asked me to post ... was composed a few months ago but came to my mind just now posting. leave your opinions in the comments I recommend it!
It is difficult to conceive of a concept of the ideal city. In fact, this is a company that now generates wars in men, almost from the beginning of time. The design of the ideal city is also a prospect of many contemporary architects are not. In fact, an ideal city is an urban settlement designed according to a draft rational planning, which follows a scientific method.
In the second half of the fifteenth during Renaissance, began attempts to design a city where space would be fully exploited. Already Plato one has the intention to form a ideal city-state, found in the philosophically Republic. The lordships era, characterized by emulating the classical civilizations, had a desire to build the ideal city. Key elements for achieving this goal were roads, bridges , channels and squares.
But apart from these definitions that I think my ideal city would not be very different from many pacifists. Definitely should be on the sea so as to secure the shipping business. Surely my ideal city should be a synonym of ancient Athens. Of course with some modifications. The culture of the Athenians, as well as their policy was one of the most beautiful and mysterious history.
The story begins with a myth of the Athenians. The inhabitants of Athens, as the majority of people around the world and of all time, assign its historical origins in situations very similar fables, but it was not altogether up stories, they were deformed and truth remote, in fact sunk, passed down from generation to generation through songs and dances.
In the origin of all these legends was a goddess, who at first formed a part of the city that created, and from which it takes its name: Athena. It is a very old greek name. Another version of the myth that explains the origin of the name of this city, Athena does not designate as the founder, but only as the goddess who gave his name and he became the protector. The myth says that when the city that would become Athens had just been founded, the Fate had decided that she would become rich, prosperous and most powerful of all Greece. Athena was therefore decided to take her under his care. However, even Poseidon wanted her under his protection, because the town was very close to the sea. Athena and Poseidon came into conflict because none of them wanted to give the young city to another, even Zeus managed to reconcile them. So Athena offered to let the public decide who they would take the case. Athena and Poseidon, the people gathered on the city ' acropolis and said that each of the two would have provided a gift: the gift judged best would win their respective deities. Poseidon did appear a magnificent horse, and Athena gave rise to an olive tree from the ground. Then the crowd came forward one of the most respected elders saying that both gifts were worthy of being singled out and had a meaning: the horse represents strength, courage, war, while the olive prudence, serenity, peace. Elder also said that war could bring wealth, power, but it was uncertain, but the peace, even if the goods which were granted less conspicuous, were also more secure and durable. All agreed with the words of the elderly and chose the gift to Athena, who finally gave his name to the city. After the decision the people they promised Poseidon that also would lift a temple for him and would have granted the sacrifices. Athens was not far from the sea, who would become the hub of its civilization. The ideal city in my opinion you should find, as mentioned above the sea, to facilitate businesses. But there may be enough: in fact are the people who constitute the institutions: in fact, without the honest people can not go forward, we have demonstrated the most famous newspapers. At a minimum, thanks to our virtues, every sixty years a war more or less important in all parts of the world. Even during the Olympics in Beijing, there was the occupation of Russian troops in Jordan, which in the past was because this was the Olympic peace. The population would be managed by a republic with universal suffrage for both men and for women. In the event that this city was the capital of a hypothetical state, she would be the seat of parliament and government. The representatives of the people should not be treated as special people, only workers who perform a task maybe just a little 'harder. The rules of the constitution, to administer such a system should be free very hard and strict and the minimum offense, the offender should suffer a harsh punishment. Politicians should not differentiate or privilege as we do these days, given the almost disastrous consequences. To prevent economic crises like the one that afflicts us today, you should have free services and what we produce to make it available to everyone. The money would serve only if the state or the economy for trade outside the country. Clearly, this project could never work if everyone does not adopt the same administrative system. But in reality this is something on the edge of the impossible. But dreaming is allowed! In terms of planning would be better if it were built on land on which it was possible to build metropolitan and should certainly be a very big city. There would be many parks, and to limit the consumption of energy, it would derive from the sun and wind. To limit the use of petrol or gas could be used machines built with the principle of the newest trains in the developing world, but is holding up a network of powerful magnets and would travel too, or just taking advantage of solar magnetism. We as a society we're not ready for such ambitious projects, but with time. You just have to hope that the world is a bit systems' at a time, thanks to the cooperation of all and by all means possible.