just returned from Florence, from concerts, to be Patrick.
artistically I'm in love with him, let this be known
♥ He insulted Italy for the law against homophobia, told us to be ourselves and that others fuck, I love. He admitted to being boyfriend and he said with a wonderful smile. (Soon will come the video \\ 0 /, will be a bit 'wavy, sometimes I forgot I was filming xD) *
floating on a cloud right now *
be why, or why I look like a toxic looking for a dose - another concert - this place meme stolen
people who comment on this post can request a drabble / flash-fic / one-shot. In return, they must post this meme on LJ.
fandom in which I am prepared to write: Harry Potter
~ ~ ~ Slam Dunk
X Factor
~ Patrick Wolf (P = ♥ Ok, not slash, but either this or nothing.)
~ I can not think of anything, but tried to ask, you never know.
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