morning, when I smelled his arms for half an hour - I bought a new shower gel that makes the skin soft and fragrant - I got up and opened the window after I had a revelation: my neighbor is really cool . Oh yes, it is.
This probably will not affect anyone, but I wanted to tell you so I did.
And now, I know that look forward to this moment , the third adventure of the placebo dealing with household appliances.
Oh, by the way, doing case interviews, Molko says a lot of times 'thank God'. But what is not self-centered? xDD (Okay, I'll stop. )
Author: lipstick_traces
Title: Stef & VCR (living the fantasy)
Pairing: AEHM. Stef & VCR With hints of slash, for those who want to see, Brian / Steve and Brian / World
Rating: Not totally vulgar. AHAHAHAHHA. Okay, if you have problems with sex strange, do not read that is better.
Note: I have never received permission to translate by the author. I tried to contact her, but to no avail. I am willing to take it out when I contacted to ask me to do so. The other chapters are Here and here. In reality there is no need to read to understand something, but they're fun: D
less serious Notes: Steveç_ç. I will miss. But in this fanfic is perhaps explained why he left the band: DDD
Thanks: big as a house is more 'go to
Dedications: Obviously, the GG. How could I not? It 's a gift for
Steve was sitting on his couch with the other members of the group, Stefan & Brian, spaparanzatigli him. Had consumed much more than their normal dose of alcohol (with the addition of other substances, Legal or not) and did not want to move. All in all it was a typical Sunday afternoon in the land of Placebo.
"Hey, some of you are doped up to rewind the tape?" Steve complained. 'Spice World' * had already finished a few minutes. Under normal circumstances it would not be imported, but after five minutes to set the blue screen was beginning to save him headaches and offuscarglisi sight. Brian Stefan told to do so and pushed him away from the sofa. Stef staggered to television and, after several strokes, he managed to hit the eject button.
Brian began to giggle like a madman, "Hey Stef!
"Why the hell you've got it tough?"
"What?" Oh, "Stef glanced at its lower parts and said, cutting short," I had not noticed. " But she blushed when Steve laughed.
"The Spice Girls are sexy, eh? Especially the Posh." The teasing.
"No! E 'is for ... ... ** Alan Cumming, has always made me this effect. I swear."
"Yes, as you Steffy. Save it for you these things." Brian chuckled and tried to hide the fact that the erection was getting excited just thinking about Stefan.
"Stop laughing and give me a hand!"
"masturbation." They said in unison Steve & Brian.
"Come on, Brian perfavoreeeeeeee. Since waste of free sex?"
"No, I have a headache." Stefan smiled gently. Stef began sulking, but simply was not as good as Brian so no one responded. See Stefan standing next to the VCR, located at his waist, he brought in Brian diabolical idea.
"I know how to help."
"How?" I do a blowjob? "
"A saw?"
"Nooooooooo." He said with a devilish grin.
"So what?"
"I dare you to fuck that VCR."
"Well, no, not as' desperate, not like some people," Stef snorted with derision. It had been almost a year after the spat between Brian and the refrigerator, yet more about the incident with the toaster, but Steve & Stef never missed an opportunity to remind her. His bird was almost back to normal, so just fuck with appliances for him, he had learned the lesson well enough. But he was always ready to see other people do.
"I can have if you do, in every way you want."
Stef thought about it for at least three seconds, then pulled down his pants. Steve moaned and thrust his head between the couch cushions. Stef
sighed and put his cock in the cassette slot. On the TV screen came the message "box is not valid. Please remove it and try again." Stefan pulled back, the message disappeared. He went back inside, the message came back.
"I can not believe I'm doing it really," he shook his head sadly and hit the off button.
"Not I," a muted response to come from Steve.
"I CAN!" Brian screamed and jumped up and down on Steve's ass. "Too bad I can not speak!"
"How much longer do I do this thing before having sex together?"
"Until you come!"
Steve jumped up, taking off Brian off. "No, no! No one will be in my VCR!" Meanwhile
Stef kept pumping, starting to get into the situation.
"UH! Steeevieeeeeee But ..." Brian groaned and jumped on his back.
"No, he must pull out before coming."
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yeah baby! Oooh nice." Stefan kept his eyes closed, imagining, no doubt, Alan Cumming.
"Well, you're not funny." Brian playfully bit her neck Stevie.
"Owww fuck, your teeth are pretty darn sharp!" Steve Brian shook off and began to tickle him. "I am funny, very funny!" Fell to the ground. There were moments like that - where it rolled along, growling and panting, with her arms folded - in which Brian doubted the statement of Steve on his heterosexuality.
"Oh, Stevie, I never thought I tried this for me." Brian whispered, and palpated who gave him on the ass so that Stevie had doubled his attack.
"No chance, cake."
Stefan had forgotten everything but the bliss of the VCR, which had begun to hammer hard now. "Oh God, yes!
"Smettiiiiiiiiila!" Brian gasped.
"Ooooooh fuck!" Stefan groaned, but this time not for pleasure.
"See, I'm funny. I just do not want my video going off." He defended Steve. "How could I explain to my girlfriend?"
"Hey, guys ..." Steve had to start again tickling Brian and neither of them noticed that Stefan had stopped sweeping the VCR, his face frozen in horror.
"Mercy, mercy! 'I surrender!" Brian screamed when the Stevie froze on the floor.
"HEY!" Brian & Steve immediately stopped laughing and looked at Stefan. "Help ... please."
"What happens Steffy, the VCR is turned away and began to sleep?"
"I'm stuck!"
"Holy hell, how come?" We pulled up and quickly reached Stef.
"I uh ... I think it is swollen or something."
"Do not fuck with me Stef. You can not Essert stuck in my VCR." Steve scosse lentamente la testa, incredulo.
"Non sto scherzando, sono davvero incastrato. Credo di essere stato un po' troppo entusiasta."
Brian scoppiò a ridere, piegandosi in due.
"Vorresti smetterla e darmi una mano? E comunque è tutta colpa tua!"
"Devi solo venire e ti si sgonfierà di nuovo."
"Non riesco a muovermi, idiota." Steve & Brian lo afferrarono per la vita e cercarono di tirarlo fuori, ma dovettero fermarsi quando Stef si lamentò che la pelle del suo uccello stava iniziando a venire via. Invano, provarono a lubrificarlo. Provarono a smontare il videoregistratore, ma, non essendo nessuno di loro dei bravi meccanici, non avevano idea di come fare ad aprirlo. Telefonarono Bill, but did not answer the phone.
"I have an idea! We could simply wait until you are ammosci. Try to think of the queen in her panties or your mother or someone else."
Steve and Brian are sprawled on the couch and stared at him, still waiting to move.
"I'm sorry, is not working."
"Why not?"
"You are here." Stef confessed. "To tell me the truth makes it harder." Steve looked at him in disgust, Brian looked at him amazed.
"Well, we could go."
Just then the phone rang Steve. Brian & Stef came out while trying to think of another plan.
"He's starting to numb Bri, I'm afraid. My bird is going to pull off. "The tears began to walk the cheeks of Stephen.
Steve interrupted," you'd better come up with something soon! Gertrude Mavis will be here in fifteen minutes. "
" Oh, this is a great plan. She is able to make it fly to any man. "Brian chuckled of his own joke, Stef continued to cry, Steve chose to ignore the insult directed at his girlfriend and began to pull the strings of the VCR.
" We have to take it away here or kill me. "
" What do you do then? It will bring a tape recorder in his pants around forever? Oh, the fans will love ficcers "
" I will die, "sobbed Stefan stronger.
"Then let's go to the hospital."
"Nooooooooooooo! Please no!"
"Do you have any better suggestion?"
Stef shook his head sadly and took the VCR.
"Okay then, have fun guys." Steve tried to push them toward the door.
"Oh no, no Stevie, you shall go, the video is yours. Gertie Call and tell her that you had to go to the emergency room because Stef is sick or something like that."
"I knew I had to buy a DVD player," said Steve irritated while his girlfriend dialed the number.
managed to put his pants to Stef, a tie, take a cab and to pretend that it only Stef hiding a VCR in his lap as they went in silence to the hospital.
The nurse did not ask how it happened, he simply grin. Obviously. He had seen cases of people who were copulating with the objects and then found that it was in trouble, but the case of Stefan was by far the most fun.
"As Stef, it was not so bad. You just have to stay here for one night." Brian tried to console Stef after she left the room.
"Yeah, sure." Stef jumped on the bed and closed his eyes trying to forget the day.
It had taken a couple of hours with doctors to figure out how to extract his manhood from the VCR and another couple of hours to ensure that there would be no permanent damage. He was blindfolded, but in pain, the painkillers do not seem to work much. Stef & Brian would not let her alone to wallow in self-pity and to control the gauze covering his penis.
To make matters worse, Bill was there too and had to retell the whole story, with great confusion on the part of Bill.
"Hey Brian, you still owe me a fuck!"
"Steffy is not true, does not exist. You never came."
And since I'm getting a real translator ... : *
Spice World
** Alan Cumming Steffy And good for me is love ♥
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