Friday on the CW aired the episode 6x15 entitled "The French Mistake" which received 2.172 trillion viewers and 3% share, Supernatural has placed first in the Men 18-34 category (4% share) and second Adults in the 18-34 category (4% share). Find all data stored in the listening section Auditel ! In the episode card find all the technical info, plot details, notes / curiosity and cultural references, in addition to Bloopers, Quotes the music and appeared in the episode that you can find in the section Impala's Radio ! In addition Section Trailers/Stagione6 can download all the promos for this episode released. Of course as always we invite you to comment on the episode on our Forum together all the other fans!
6x16 The new episode titled "... And Then There Were None" will air Friday, March 4 at 9pm - the show will pause and come back in April. For now, the card find the technical information first, the plot in part (after the airing will be replaced with detailed) and the promotional trailer that found in the preview Our YouTube channel and downloadable version in Trailers/Stagione6 .
6x16 The new episode titled "... And Then There Were None" will air Friday, March 4 at 9pm - the show will pause and come back in April. For now, the card find the technical information first, the plot in part (after the airing will be replaced with detailed) and the promotional trailer that found in the preview Our YouTube channel and downloadable version in Trailers/Stagione6 .
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