miracles sometimes happen Okay, do not write here the beginning of time.
E 'which frankly had very little of interest to say, except perhaps what is posted on other shores \u0026lt;i> ^ _-\u0026lt;/ i>
But since today was made a miracle, I could not save you shout about urbi et orbi.
No, really, are things O___o
Abstract: Virgin Radio listening pleasure, because in addition to being the only radio that makes me listen, I know, Stairway to Heaven, I can also be used to uncover unknown to me.
No, I'm too lazy to listen to entire discographies to learn about a group
-.- Anyway, thanks to Virgin I discovered the H-Blockx: a metal band, looks a bit ', German (yes, because when it comes metal still there I end up ^___^).
To return to our miracle, for a while 'time turned a song that had me intrigued. I did not know who he was, as usual, because the radio did not say the title -.-
but today I was lucky enough to Beccaria was listening to streaming radio on your PC. And yes, the treacherous stream make-out song title and artist name.
And so it was discovered that with Niro-Liar.
And while I was there, and I always have little desire to study, I even made a little research. google.
's where the miracle I was saved before his eyes. E 'Italian. A fucking Italian Roman de Rome. And I already carampanizzo *___*